Meet Our Researchers

Why do the scientists behind Tinnitus Quest believe in our mission to silence tinnitus? Meet our researchers and hear how curing tinnitus is not only a necessity but – more importantly – an achievable goal.

Who are the scientific brains behind Tinnitus Quest?

In fact, we have some of the most famous tinnitus researchers on our team.

Our Executive Board has (in addition to three patients) two researchers: Dirk de Ridder and Hamid Djalilian. We also have a Scientific Board, which is headed by Berthold Langguth.

Dirk, Hamid, and Berthold have each been working on the problem of tinnitus for decades. What gives them confidence, after all this time, that with Tinnitus Quest we’ll be able to crack the problem and silence tinnitus once and for all? And why do they feel so strongly about this?

Watch this video to find out:

Dirk de Ridder is a neurosurgeon focused on brain research with implications on neuromodulation. He is a professor at the University of Otago in New Zealand, and runs a neuromodulation clinic specialized in tinnitus in Ghent, Belgium (BRAI3N).

Hamid Djalilian is a professor of otolaryngology at University of California Irvine, conducting research on hearing loss, dizziness, ear infections, migraine, and device and software development for treating tinnitus, in addition to a busy clinical practice.

Berthold Langguth is a professor in neurology and psychiatry at the University of Regensburg, and is in charge of a large psychiatric department and a neuromodulation research unit.

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1 Comment

  1. Hi,

    I developed tinnitus shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and have been experiencing a high-pitched shriek 24/7 ever since. I’ve tried everything in search of a cure, including herbs, acupuncture, hypnosis, a mouth guard, reflexology, and even paid £2,500 for Lenire neuromodulation, which unfortunately worsened my tinnitus.

    An MRI scan ruled out any abnormalities in my ears. I now use a sleep pillow that plays various sounds to help me sleep, but I am still desperate for a cure.

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