
Join us for Tinnitus Quest‘s second public Q&A session, featuring the head of our Scientific Board Dr. Berthold Langguth. You will get to ask Dr. Langguth about his research at the University of Regensburg, where has worked on a broad array of tinnitus topics, from demographics to diagnosis to clinical guidelines, as well as having investigated treatment options like bimodal stimulation. And of course, he will speak about the mission of Tinnitus Quest as well.

Join us for Tinnitus Quest‘s third public Q&A session, featuring Executive Board member Dr. Dirk de Ridder. You will get to ask Dr. de Ridder about his research on the understanding and treatment of phantom perceptions such as pain and tinnitus, as well as addiction, using non-invasive neuromodulation (TMS, tDCS, tACS, tRNS, tPNS, neurofeedback) and invasive neuromodulation techniques such as brain implants. And of course, he will speak about the mission of Tinnitus Quest as well, and how it fits in with his “war on tinnitus” concept.

Join us for Tinnitus Quest‘s very first public Q&A session, featuring Executive Board member Dr. Hamid Djalilian. You will get to ask Dr. Djalilian about his research at UC Irvine, where he is working on an electrical stimulation device for the inner ear to silence tinnitus. And of course, he will speak about the mission of Tinnitus Quest as well.