Our vision is to silence tinnitus

Too many people are left alone to suffer in ‘silence’. Tens of millions of people worldwide suffer from a severe, debilitating form of tinnitus. Yet hearing unwanted sounds is something the world does not seem to want to hear about.

The Problem

Tinnitus is complex, multi-faceted problem that has not gotten the attention it deserves. Coordinated efforts to resolve it have been lacking. Funding is much more limited than for other health conditions with a similar socio-economic impact.

Our Ambition

Innovative, more aggressive, approaches are needed than those of traditional advocacy and grant organizations. Through trial and error and agile research, we believe that silencing tinnitus – though highly ambitious – is achievable.

Our Solutions

We have secured the commitment of outstanding researchers worldwide. We will also involve patients directly in research. And we have backing from several high-net-worth individuals. But more support is needed, so join our quest today.

Tinnitus Quest aims to start a quiet revolution.

We invite you to be part of our quest.